Session Native API
Session Native API
In the native API of IoTDB, the Session
is the core interface for interacting with the database. It integrates a rich set of methods that support data writing, querying, and metadata operations. By instantiating a Session
, you can establish a connection to the IoTDB server and perform various database operations within the environment constructed by this connection. The Session
is not thread-safe and should not be called simultaneously by multiple threads.
is a connection pool for Session
, and it is recommended to use SessionPool
for programming. In scenarios with multi-threaded concurrency, SessionPool
can manage and allocate connection resources effectively, thereby improving system performance and resource utilization efficiency.
1 Overview of Steps
- Create a Connection Pool Instance: Initialize a SessionPool object to manage multiple Session instances.
- Perform Operations: Directly obtain a Session instance from the SessionPool and execute database operations, without the need to open and close connections each time.
- Close Connection Pool Resources: When database operations are no longer needed, close the SessionPool to release all related resources.
2 Detailed Steps
This section provides an overview of the core development process and does not demonstrate all parameters and interfaces. For a complete list of functionalities and parameters, please refer to:Java Native API or check the: Source Code
2.1 Create a Maven Project
Create a Maven project and add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file (JDK >= 1.8, Maven >= 3.6):
<!-- The version number is the same as the database version number -->
2.2 Creating a Connection Pool Instance
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.pool.SessionPool;
public class IoTDBSessionPoolExample {
private static SessionPool sessionPool;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Using nodeUrls ensures that when one node goes down, other nodes are automatically connected to retry
List<String> nodeUrls = new ArrayList<>();
sessionPool =
new SessionPool.Builder()
2.3 Performing Database Operations
2.3.1 Data Insertion
In industrial scenarios, data insertion can be categorized into the following types: inserting multiple rows of data, and inserting multiple rows of data for a single device. Below, we introduce the insertion interfaces for different scenarios.
Multi-Row Data Insertion Interface
Interface Description: Supports inserting multiple rows of data at once, where each row corresponds to multiple measurement values for a device at a specific timestamp.
Interface List:
Interface Name | Function Description |
insertRecords(List<String> deviceIds, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Inserts multiple rows of data, suitable for scenarios where measurements are independently collected. |
Code Example:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.IoTDBConnectionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.StatementExecutionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.pool.SessionPool;
import org.apache.tsfile.enums.TSDataType;
public class SessionPoolExample {
private static SessionPool sessionPool;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
// 1. init SessionPool
// 2. execute insert data
// 3. close SessionPool
private static void constructSessionPool() {
// Using nodeUrls ensures that when one node goes down, other nodes are automatically connected to retry
List<String> nodeUrls = new ArrayList<>();
sessionPool =
new SessionPool.Builder()
public static void insertRecordsExample() throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
String deviceId = "root.sg1.d1";
List<String> measurements = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> deviceIds = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<String>> measurementsList = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<Object>> valuesList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<TSDataType>> typesList = new ArrayList<>();
for (long time = 0; time < 500; time++) {
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
List<TSDataType> types = new ArrayList<>();
if (time != 0 && time % 100 == 0) {
try {
sessionPool.insertRecords(deviceIds, timestamps, measurementsList, typesList, valuesList);
} catch (IoTDBConnectionException | StatementExecutionException e) {
// solve exception
try {
sessionPool.insertRecords(deviceIds, timestamps, measurementsList, typesList, valuesList);
} catch (IoTDBConnectionException | StatementExecutionException e) {
// solve exception
public static void closeSessionPool(){
Single-Device Multi-Row Data Insertion Interface
Interface Description: Supports inserting multiple rows of data for a single device at once, where each row corresponds to multiple measurement values for a specific timestamp.
Interface List:
Interface Name | Function Description |
insertTablet(Tablet tablet) | Inserts multiple rows of data for a single device, suitable for scenarios where measurements are independently collected. |
Code Example:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.IoTDBConnectionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.StatementExecutionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.pool.SessionPool;
import org.apache.tsfile.enums.TSDataType;
import org.apache.tsfile.write.record.Tablet;
import org.apache.tsfile.write.schema.MeasurementSchema;
public class SessionPoolExample {
private static SessionPool sessionPool;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
// 1. init SessionPool
// 2. execute insert data
// 3. close SessionPool
private static void constructSessionPool() {
// Using nodeUrls ensures that when one node goes down, other nodes are automatically connected to retry
List<String> nodeUrls = new ArrayList<>();
sessionPool =
new SessionPool.Builder()
private static void insertTabletExample() throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
* A Tablet example:
* device1
* time s1, s2, s3
* 1, 1, 1, 1
* 2, 2, 2, 2
* 3, 3, 3, 3
// The schema of measurements of one device
// only measurementId and data type in MeasurementSchema take effects in Tablet
List<MeasurementSchema> schemaList = new ArrayList<>();
schemaList.add(new MeasurementSchema("s1", TSDataType.INT64));
schemaList.add(new MeasurementSchema("s2", TSDataType.INT64));
schemaList.add(new MeasurementSchema("s3", TSDataType.INT64));
Tablet tablet = new Tablet("", schemaList, 100);
// Method 1 to add tablet data
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Random random = new Random();
for (long row = 0; row < 100; row++) {
int rowIndex = tablet.rowSize++;
tablet.addTimestamp(rowIndex, timestamp);
for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
long value = random.nextLong();
tablet.addValue(schemaList.get(s).getMeasurementId(), rowIndex, value);
if (tablet.rowSize == tablet.getMaxRowNumber()) {
if (tablet.rowSize != 0) {
public static void closeSessionPool(){
2.3.2 SQL Operations
SQL operations are divided into two categories: queries and non-queries. The corresponding interfaces are executeQuery and executeNonQuery. The difference between them is that the former executes specific query statements and returns a result set, while the latter performs insert, delete, and update operations and does not return a result set.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.iotdb.isession.pool.SessionDataSetWrapper;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.IoTDBConnectionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.StatementExecutionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.pool.SessionPool;
public class SessionPoolExample {
private static SessionPool sessionPool;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
// 1. init SessionPool
// 2. executes a non-query SQL statement, such as a DDL or DML command.
// 3. executes a query SQL statement and returns the result set.
// 4. close SessionPool
private static void executeNonQueryExample() throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
// 1. create a nonAligned time series
sessionPool.executeNonQueryStatement("create timeseries root.test.d1.s1 with dataType = int32");
// 2. set ttl
sessionPool.executeNonQueryStatement("set TTL to root.test.** 10000");
// 3. delete time series
sessionPool.executeNonQueryStatement("delete timeseries root.test.d1.s1");
private static void executeQueryExample() throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
// 1. execute normal query
try(SessionDataSetWrapper wrapper = sessionPool.executeQueryStatement("select s1 from root.sg1.d1 limit 10")) {
while (wrapper.hasNext()) {
// 2. execute aggregate query
try(SessionDataSetWrapper wrapper = sessionPool.executeQueryStatement("select count(s1) from root.sg1.d1 group by ([0, 40), 5ms) ")) {
while (wrapper.hasNext()) {
private static void constructSessionPool() {
// Using nodeUrls ensures that when one node goes down, other nodes are automatically connected to retry
List<String> nodeUrls = new ArrayList<>();
sessionPool =
new SessionPool.Builder()
public static void closeSessionPool(){
3 Native Interface Description
3.1 Parameter List
The Session class has the following fields, which can be set through the constructor or the Session.Builder method:
Field Name | Type | Description |
nodeUrls | List<String> | List of URLs for database nodes, supporting multiple node connections |
username | String | Username |
password | String | Password |
fetchSize | int | Default batch size for query results |
useSSL | boolean | Whether to enable SSL |
trustStore | String | Path to the trust store |
trustStorePwd | String | Password for the trust store |
queryTimeoutInMs | long | Query timeout in milliseconds |
enableRPCCompression | boolean | Whether to enable RPC compression |
connectionTimeoutInMs | int | Connection timeout in milliseconds |
zoneId | ZoneId | Time zone setting for the session |
thriftDefaultBufferSize | int | Default buffer size for Thrift Thrift |
thriftMaxFrameSize | int | Maximum frame size for Thrift Thrift |
defaultEndPoint | TEndPoint | Default database endpoint information |
defaultSessionConnection | SessionConnection | Default session connection object |
isClosed | boolean | Whether the current session is closed |
enableRedirection | boolean | Whether to enable redirection |
enableRecordsAutoConvertTablet | boolean | Whether to enable the function of recording the automatic transfer to Tablet |
deviceIdToEndpoint | Map<String, TEndPoint> | Mapping of device IDs to database endpoints |
endPointToSessionConnection | Map<TEndPoint, SessionConnection> | Mapping of database endpoints to session connections |
executorService | ScheduledExecutorService | Thread pool for periodically updating the node list |
availableNodes | INodeSupplier | Supplier of available nodes |
enableQueryRedirection | boolean | Whether to enable query redirection |
version | Version | Client version number, used for compatibility judgment with the server |
enableAutoFetch | boolean | Whether to enable automatic fetching |
maxRetryCount | int | Maximum number of retries |
retryIntervalInMs | long | Retry interval in milliseconds |
3.2 Interface list
3.2.1 Metadata Management
Method Name | Function Description | Parameter Explanation |
createDatabase(String database) | Create a database | database : The name of the database to be created |
deleteDatabase(String database) | Delete a specified database | database : The name of the database to be deleted |
deleteDatabases(List<String> databases) | Batch delete databases | databases : A list of database names to be deleted |
createTimeseries(String path, TSDataType dataType, TSEncoding encoding, CompressionType compressor) | Create a single time series | path : The path of the time series,dataType : The data type,encoding : The encoding type,compressor : The compression type |
createAlignedTimeseries(...) | Create aligned time series | Device ID, list of measurement points, list of data types, list of encodings, list of compression types |
createMultiTimeseries(...) | Batch create time series | Multiple paths, data types, encodings, compression types, properties, tags, aliases, etc. |
deleteTimeseries(String path) | Delete a time series | path : The path of the time series to be deleted |
deleteTimeseries(List<String> paths) | Batch delete time series | paths : A list of time series paths to be deleted |
setSchemaTemplate(String templateName, String prefixPath) | Set a schema template | templateName : The name of template,prefixPath : The path where the template is applied |
createSchemaTemplate(Template template) | Create a schema template | template : The template object |
dropSchemaTemplate(String templateName) | Delete a schema template | templateName : The name of template to be deleted |
addAlignedMeasurementsInTemplate(...) | Add aligned measurements to a template | Template name, list of measurement paths, data type, encoding type, compression type |
addUnalignedMeasurementsInTemplate(...) | Add unaligned measurements to a template | Same as above |
deleteNodeInTemplate(String templateName, String path) | Delete a node in a template | templateName : The name of template,path : The path to be deleted |
countMeasurementsInTemplate(String name) | Count the number of measurements in a template | name : The name of template |
isMeasurementInTemplate(String templateName, String path) | Check if a measurement exists in a template | templateName : The name of template,path : The path of the measurement |
isPathExistInTemplate(String templateName, String path) | Check if a path exists in a template | same as above |
showMeasurementsInTemplate(String templateName) | Show measurements in a template | templateName : The name of template |
showMeasurementsInTemplate(String templateName, String pattern) | Show measurements in a template by pattern | templateName : The name of template,pattern : The matching pattern |
showAllTemplates() | Show all templates | No parameters |
showPathsTemplateSetOn(String templateName) | Show paths where a template is set | templateName : The name of the template |
showPathsTemplateUsingOn(String templateName) | Show actual paths using a template | Same as above上 |
unsetSchemaTemplate(String prefixPath, String templateName) | Unset the template setting for a path | prefixPath : The path,templateName : The name of template |
3.2.2 Data Insertion
Method Name | Function Description | Parameter Explanation |
insertRecord(String deviceId, long time, List<String> measurements, List<TSDataType> types, Object... values) | Insert a single record | deviceId : Device ID,time : Timestamp,measurements : List of measurement points,types : List of data types,values : List of values |
insertRecord(String deviceId, long time, List<String> measurements, List<String> values) | Insert a single record | deviceId : Device ID,time : Timestamp,measurements : List of measurement points,values : List of values |
insertRecords(List<String> deviceIds, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Insert multiple records | deviceIds : List of device IDs,times : List of timestamps,measurementsList : List of timestamps,valuesList : List of lists of values |
insertRecords(List<String> deviceIds, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Insert multiple records | Same as above,plus typesList : List of lists of data types |
insertRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Insert multiple records for a single device | deviceId : Device ID,times : List of timestamps,measurementsList : List of lists of measurement points,typesList : List of lists of types,valuesList : List of lists of values |
insertRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList, boolean haveSorted) | Insert sorted multiple records for a single device | Same as above, plus haveSorted : Whether the data is already sorted |
insertStringRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<String>> valuesList) | Insert string-formatted records for a single device | deviceId : Device ID,times : List of timestamps,measurementsList : List of lists of measurement points,valuesList : List of lists of values |
insertStringRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<String>> valuesList, boolean haveSorted) | Insert sorted string-formatted records for a single device | Same as above, plus haveSorted : Whether the data is already sorted序 |
insertAlignedRecord(String deviceId, long time, List<String> measurements, List<TSDataType> types, List<Object> values) | Insert a single aligned record | deviceId : Device ID,time : Timestamp,measurements : List of measurement points,types : List of types,values : List of values |
insertAlignedRecord(String deviceId, long time, List<String> measurements, List<String> values) | Insert a single string-formatted aligned record | deviceId : Device IDtime : Timestamp,measurements : List of measurement points,values : List of values |
insertAlignedRecords(List<String> deviceIds, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Insert multiple aligned records | deviceIds : List of device IDs,times : List of timestamps,measurementsList : List of lists of measurement points,valuesList : List of lists of values |
insertAlignedRecords(List<String> deviceIds, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Insert multiple aligned records | Same as above, plus typesList : List of lists of data types |
insertAlignedRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList) | Insert multiple aligned records for a single device | Same as above |
insertAlignedRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<TSDataType>> typesList, List<List<Object>> valuesList, boolean haveSorted) | Insert sorted multiple aligned records for a single device | Same as above, plus haveSorted : Whether the data is already sorted |
insertAlignedStringRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<String>> valuesList) | Insert string-formatted aligned records for a single device | deviceId : Device ID,times : List of timestamps,measurementsList : List of lists of measurement points,valuesList : List of lists of values |
insertAlignedStringRecordsOfOneDevice(String deviceId, List<Long> times, List<List<String>> measurementsList, List<List<String>> valuesList, boolean haveSorted) | Insert sorted string-formatted aligned records for a single device | Same as above, plus w haveSorted : whether the data is already sorted |
insertTablet(Tablet tablet) | Insert a single Tablet data | tablet : The Tablet data to be inserted |
insertTablet(Tablet tablet, boolean sorted) | Insert a sorted Tablet data | Same as above, plus sorted : whether the data is already sorted |
insertAlignedTablet(Tablet tablet) | Insert an aligned Tablet data | tablet : The Tablet data to be inserted |
insertAlignedTablet(Tablet tablet, boolean sorted) | Insert a sorted aligned Tablet data | Same as above, plus sorted : whether the data is already sorted |
insertTablets(Map<String, Tablet> tablets) | Insert multiple Tablet data in batch | tablets : Mapping from device IDs to Tablet data |
insertTablets(Map<String, Tablet> tablets, boolean sorted) | Insert sorted multiple Tablet data in batch | Same as above, plus sorted : whether the data is already sorted |
insertAlignedTablets(Map<String, Tablet> tablets) | Insert multiple aligned Tablet data in batch | tablets : Mapping from device IDs to Tablet data |
insertAlignedTablets(Map<String, Tablet> tablets, boolean sorted) | Insert sorted multiple aligned Tablet data in batch | Same as above, plus sorted : whether the data is already sorted |
3.2.3 Data Deletion
Method Name | Function Description | Parameter Explanation |
deleteTimeseries(String path) | Delete a single time series | path : The path of the time series |
deleteTimeseries(List<String> paths) | Batch delete time series | paths : A list of time series paths |
deleteData(String path, long endTime) | Delete historical data for a specified path | path : The path,endTime : The end timestamp |
deleteData(List<String> paths, long endTime) | Batch delete historical data for specified paths | paths : A list of paths,endTime : The end timestamp |
deleteData(List<String> paths, long startTime, long endTime) | Delete historical data within a time range for specified paths | Same as above, plus startTime : The start timestamp |
3.2.4 Data Query
Method Name | Function Description | Parameter Explanation |
executeQueryStatement(String sql) | Execute a query statement | sql : The query SQL statement |
executeQueryStatement(String sql, long timeoutInMs) | Execute a query statement with timeout | sql : The query SQL statement, timeoutInMs : The query timeout (in milliseconds) |
executeRawDataQuery(List<String> paths, long startTime, long endTime) | Query raw data for specified paths | paths: A list of query paths, startTime : The start timestamp, endTime : The end timestamp |
executeRawDataQuery(List<String> paths, long startTime, long endTime, long timeOut) | Query raw data for specified paths (with timeout) | Same as above, plus timeOut : The timeout time |
executeLastDataQuery(List<String> paths) | Query the latest data | paths : A list of query paths |
executeLastDataQuery(List<String> paths, long lastTime) | Query the latest data at a specified time | paths : A list of query paths, lastTime : The specified timestamp |
executeLastDataQuery(List<String> paths, long lastTime, long timeOut) | Query the latest data at a specified time (with timeout) | Same as above, plus timeOut : The timeout time |
executeLastDataQueryForOneDevice(String db, String device, List<String> sensors, boolean isLegalPathNodes) | Query the latest data for a single device | db : The database name, device : The device name, sensors : A list of sensors, isLegalPathNodes : Whether the path nodes are legal |
executeAggregationQuery(List<String> paths, List<TAggregationType> aggregations) | Execute an aggregation query | paths : A list of query paths, aggregations : A list of aggregation types |
executeAggregationQuery(List<String> paths, List<TAggregationType> aggregations, long startTime, long endTime) | Execute an aggregation query with a time range | Same as above, plus startTime : The start timestamp, endTime :` The end timestamp |
executeAggregationQuery(List<String> paths, List<TAggregationType> aggregations, long startTime, long endTime, long interval) | Execute an aggregation query with a time interval | Same as above, plus interval : The time interval |
executeAggregationQuery(List<String> paths, List<TAggregationType> aggregations, long startTime, long endTime, long interval, long slidingStep) | Execute a sliding window aggregation query | Same as above, plus slidingStep : The sliding step |
fetchAllConnections() | Get information of all active connections | No parameters |
3.2.5 System Status and Backup
Method Name | Function Description | Parameter Explanation |
getBackupConfiguration() | Get backup configuration information | No parameters |
fetchAllConnections() | Get information of all active connections | No parameters |
getSystemStatus() | Get the system status | Deprecated, returns SystemStatus.NORMAL |